Rory Pilgrim, …f…g…. 10,000 flowers, 2022, oil, crayon, pencil and nail polish on board, 30 x 45 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Little Fires, 2021, oil, pencil on wooden board, 24 x 30,5 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Rodeo Music, 2022, pencil, crayon and nail polish on paper, 56 x 76 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Putting The World To Bed, 2021, oil, crayon, nail polish on wooden panel in walnut frame, 30 x 22,5 cm

Rory Pilgrim, The Horse Has The Purse, 2021, oil, pencil, crayon and nail polish on board in walnut wood, 30 x 22,5 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Finite Loss, 2022, pencil, crayon and gesso on panel, gouache, nailpolish, body glitter on paper / hand embroidered beaded purse
10 x 15 cm drawing / 26 x 31 cm frame

Rory Pilgrim, Untitled, 2021, oil, crayon on wooden panel in walnut frame, 40,5 x 30,5 x 2 cm

Rory Pilgrim, An Amazing Purse, 2021, oil, pencil and nail polish on wooden panel, 20 x 15 x 2 cm

Rory Pilgrim, The Undercurrent, Badischer Kunstferein, 2020

Rory Pilgrim, The Undercurrent, Badischer Kunstferein, 2020

Rory Pilgrim, Dam Fast Dam Hard, 2020, workshop photograph by Jake Whitson, 15 x 28 cm

Rory Pilgrim, The Undercurrent, HD Film, 52:00, 2019 - ongoing
Installation view Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2019

Rory Pilgrim at Between Bridges, The Resounding Bell, installation view 2019

Rory Pilgrim at Between Bridges, The Resounding Bell, installation view 2019

Rory Pilgrim at Between Bridges, The Resounding Bell, installation view 2019

Rory Pilgrim, Software Garden performance at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2019

Rory Pilgrim, Software Garden Performance, Transmediale Festival, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

Rory Pilgrim, Software Garden, 2018, poster paint on paper, 137 x 101.5 cm

Software Garden 2018

Rory Pilgrim, Ersatz Provider, 2018, poster paint on paper, 101.5 x 137 cm

Software Garden 2018

Rory Pilgrim, The Garden, 2018, gouache, air brush and colour pencil on paper, 37 x 38.5 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Government Lover, 2018, poster paint on paper, 80 x 50 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Let’s Get Infected, 2018, gouache, colour pencil and nail polish on paper, 37 x 33.5 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Propagating Urgency, 2018, poster paint on paper, Miscanthus and textile panel, 101.5 x 137 cm

Software Garden 2018

Rory Pilgrim, A Body Can Only Take So Much, 2018, poster paint on paper, 90 x 45 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Software Garden, 2018
HD video with sound, 50.59 min.
screen printed plastic bags.
Don’t Leave Me, screen printed plastic bag and Miscanthus
edition of 6

Rory Pilgrim, Concern, 2015, poster paint on paper,
90 x 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, view Tent Dolf Henkes Award, 2016, Rotterdam

Rory Pilgrim, view Tent Dolf Henkes Award, 2016, Rotterdam

Rory Pilgrim, words are not signs they are yeras, 2015, poster paint on paper, 90 X 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, view Flat Time House, 2016

Rory Pilgrim, view Flat Time House, 2016

Rory Pilgrim, new words are here to stay,, 2015, poster paint on paper, 48 x 30 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Radical! Radical!, 2015, glass sculpture, (2x) Ø 60 x 1.3 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Violently Speaking, 2015, posterverf op papier in wit gelakte houten lijst, 90 X 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Salt and the Leaven, 2015, posterverf op papier in wit gelakte houten lijst, 90 X 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, exhibition view Violently Speaking, andriesse eyck galerie

Rory Pilgrim, exhibition view Violently Speaking, andriesse eyck galerie

Rory Pilgrim, exhibition view Violently Speaking, andriesse eyck galerie

Rory Pilgrim, Untitled, 2012, silver gelatine print, 60 X 40 cm, ed. of 5

Rory Pilgrim, Sacred Repository N.1: Violently Speaking, 2014, HD video with colour and sound, 14:57 min., ed. of 6

Rory Pilgrim, Sacred Repository N.1: Violently Speaking, 2014, HD video with colour and sound, 14:57 min., ed. of 6

Rory Pilgrim, Time, 2015, posterverf op papier in wit gelakte houten lijst, 90 X 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Ships, 2015, posterverf op papier in wit gelakte houten lijst, 90 X 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, We are in this Boat, 2015, posterverf op papier in wit gelakte houten lijst, 90 X 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Unearthed, 2015, posterverf op papier in wit gelakte houten lijst, 90 X 40 cm

Rory Pilgrim, The Rainbow, 2013, c-print, 19.2 x 13 cm, ed. of 10

Rory Pilgrim, The loss of hope is more than the loss of everything, 2013

Rory Pilgrim, Understanding, 2012

Rory Pilgrim, Understanding, 2012

Rory Pilgrim, Understanding, 2012

Rory Pilgrim, Care, 2012

Rory Pilgrim, Care, 2012

Rory Pilgrim, Care, 2012, acrylic on paper, 100 X 70 cm

Rory Pilgrim, My House is Your House Come in, you\'re welcome, 2011, acrylic on paper, 137 X 57 cm

Rory Pilgrim, De Stille Revolutie, 2011

Rory Pilgrim, De Stille Revolúsje, 2011, hand embroidery on textile, 39 X 49 cm

Rory Pilgrim, De Stille Revolutie, 2011

Rory Pilgrim, The Rainbow, 2011

Rory Pilgrim, Hand painted sign by David Andrews, poster maker \'Come in, you\'re welcome\' text from Quaker outreach poster 2009, 2011, acrylic on paper, 114.3 X 83.2 cm

Rory Pilgrim, The Rainbow, 2011

Rory Pilgrim, The Rainbow, 2011

Rory Pilgrim, Hand painted sign by David Andrews, poster maker \'I guess we are not ready for this yet, are we? \' text froma sermon by Jay Bakker, U.S.A., 2011, acrylic on paper, 83.8 X 113 cm

Rory Pilgrim, Can we leave things as they are?, 2010